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terms of service.
— general.
- the client must be 18 years or older to place an order.
- the artist reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason, given or otherwise.
- use of the artist’s work for the purpose of profit (i.e. selling merchandise) is prohibited unless otherwise discussed & agreed upon beforehand.
- the client is not permitted to claim any of the artist’s work as their own.
- the client is not permitted to edit any of the artist’s work unless otherwise stated. if edits are desired, please contact the artist.
- the artist takes commission slots a month prior to their completion date unless otherwise stated. it is up to the client to understand this when agreeing to commit to a commission slot. (ie. february’s slots will be completed in march, october’s will be completed in november, etc.)
— requirements.
- the client must send clear reference images, as this assists the artistic process greatly.
- if the client does not have clear reference images, a character creation fee may be added on top of the commission’s final price, up to 30% of the base price. the artist will require an in-depth written description of said character in such cases.
- when it comes to original characters, all art used as reference material for the client’s commission must belong to the client. the artist will not accept an image of a random character found through image search engines as reference. there are a few exceptions to this rule — such instances including wanting the their character’s hairstyle similar to another’s, an outfit, a pose, etc.
- the client is commissioning for the artist’s abilities and limitations. the artist will not accept commissions that would require another independent artist’s style to be copied to achieve the desired outcome. if the client desires a certain artist’s style, it is insisted that the client supports the other artist by saving up and commissioning them instead.
— pricing, payment, & refunds.
- all prices listed are in usd.
- the artist require payment up front before starting on any commissions, and works through invoices. the client will not be placed in the queue until their invoice has been paid and cleared.
- the artist does not accept any form of cryptocurrency. attempting to pay with such will result in a warning.
- displayed prices are a base starting cost. if the client’s commission contains complex designs, patterns, markings, or backgrounds, the final price will be higher.
- prices are subject to change without notice at any given time. if a price change happens after the client has already paid for their commission, the price will not affect their order. if the client choose to add on to their order, said addition will reflect the new price.
- the client must provide a clear idea of their commission in order to receive a proper quote.
- commissions must be paid in full before for the client’s piece will be started. payment plans are available for commissions totaling over $250.
- if the client cancels the commission during the sketch stage, a 75% refund will be issued.
- if the client cancels the commission during the lineart stage, a 50% refund will be issued.
- if the client cancels the commission during or after the colouring stage has been started, a 25% refund will be issued.
- if the client cancels the commission after the piece has been completed, no refund will be issued.
- if the client is offered a refund due to complications and declines, the client forfeits all future opportunities to request one.
— patreon & tier rewards.
- patrons are responsible for claiming their monthly rewards, and must be claimed via direct message each month. rewards left unclaimed will not roll over or be stockpiled; the only case in which this is untrue is if the delay is a fault of the artist’s.
- patreon tier discounts do not apply to store merchandise or ych pieces, unless otherwise specified.
— edits, additions, & changes.
- work-in-progress sketches will be provided to the client before moving forward in order to allow room for any edits necessary. if the client would like further work-in-progress stages, it is requested that they inform the artist ahead of time, as the artist will be more than happy to accommodate.
- major edits will only be made in the sketch stage. major edits include re-positioning of the character(s), adding clothing when none were previously discussed, and so forth. additional fees will be applicable if the sketch needs to be completely scrapped and re-done, with very few exceptions.
- the client will be offered three (3) free major edits to the sketch. after the third major edit, that will reflect the outcome of the client’s commission’s final image. further requested edits will cost extra, beginning at an hourly rate of $50/hr.
- only very minor edits will be allowed during the lineart and colouring stages. these types of changes include colour adjustment, small detail additions, and so forth. any edits beyond that will cost extra, unless it is due to an oversight of the artist’s. please be sure to review any sketches thoroughly to avoid any extra costs.
- if the client requests an edit for a commission previously completed in the past, the artist will likely be more than happy to do so for a small fee. however, please be aware that the artist may no longer have raw files of commissions over 5 years old.
— client rights.
- the client shall not reproduce and/or otherwise use the artist’s work in any manner for purposes of training artificial intelligence technologies to generate work, including without limitation, technologies that are capable of generating works in the same style or genre as the artist’s work. nor shall the client sublicense others to reproduce and/or otherwise use the artist’s work in any manner for purposes of training artificial intelligence technologies to generate work.
- the client is permitted to upload their commissioned artwork to their own social media/galleries/etc. uploaded commissions must be a watermarked version, and proper credit must be given in doing so.
- the client is permitted to use their commissioned artwork as icons/banners/etc. proper credit must be given in doing so.
- the client is not permitted to alter their commissioned artwork, unless otherwise agreed upon prior.
- The client is not permitted to use their commissioned artwork for commercial purposes, unless otherwise agreed upon prior.
— content restrictions.
- commission requests featuring offensive, hurtful, or disgusting topics (hate speech, pedophilia, incest, etc) will be declined without hesitation nor explanation as to why, and the client blacklisted from future communication attempts.
— contact & communication.
- the artist only offer quotes and inquiries during workdays. the client is more than free to contact the artist during the at any time, so long as the client is aware that they may not receive a reply until the following workday at earliest.
- if the client is to see the artist active on any platform during a time that they am not responding to commission inquiries — such as days off or after-hours — please do not try to nudge the artist through said platforms about work. doing such will result in a light warning. continuing to contact the artist after the first two warnings will result in a permanent blacklisting from future communication attempts.
- the artist reserves the right to cancel any commission at any given time if the client proves to be continually rude, demanding, etc. the client may not be refunded in this case, and will be blacklisted from future communication attempts.
- if the client ceases communication with the artist without a good reason for any extreme amount of time — from several months to years between responses on your end — the client’s commission may be subject to cancellation without refund.
the client must read, understand, and agree to all of the above terms. upon sending payment, the client agrees to all above listed terms.
terms listed are subject to change at any time.
breaching these terms may result in being blacklisted from future commissions & communication.
© 2006 – 2024 sanctimonious art